Spinal Stenosis is narrowing of the spinal cord and compression upon the nerves causing back and leg pain. As our bodies naturally age our bones become weaker and our discs lose mass. This not only causes a decrease in height but it also places pressure upon the spinal cord and nerves.
There are two types of stenosis, congenital and acquired. Congenital Stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal cord that you are born with. Usually the symptoms present around 30 or 40 years of age. Acquired Stenosis is stenosis that develops over time from general wear and tear.
Symptoms of stenosis include back pain that radiates into the legs or arms. There can also be numbness, tingling, or burning. The patient may also find they are unable to walk long distances and get some relief by leaning forward.
Treatment options typically start with conservative management and can progress to surgery if necessary. Conservative treatments include physical therapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, acupuncture, or injections with Pain Management. If the patient fails conservative care then surgery may be an option.
There are a few surgery options for Spinal Stenosis. A decompression involves removing the spinous process of the spine to give the spinal cord more room. It is referred to as “unroofing” the spinal cord. If the spine is so degenerative that the decompression makes it unstable then a fusion must also be performed to stabilize it. This involves inserting screws and rods to hold the spine steady.